Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil
Biodiversity, faunistics, mites, rubber treeAbstract
Two of the most economically important superfamilies of phytophagous mites are Tetranychoidea and Eriophyoidea, which have species represented in rubber trees in Brazil. In this paper we review the literature concerning the mite fauna registered on rubber trees in that country. The source was the information available on literature, but also data from exploratory samplings in Goianésia, State of Goiás, and from a triennial survey with monthly samplings in Cedral, State of São Paulo. Among the phytophagous mites the most important and abundant species were Calacarus heveae and Tenuipalpus heveae. Seven of the nominal species reported belong to the family Tetranychidae. Eutetranychus banksi and Oligonychus gossypii were very numerous in several crops studied, although with no evident damage to the leaves caused by the former. The richest family was Phytoseiidae (27 species). Other rich and numerous family with predatory species was Stigmaeidae (10). The study of mites associated with rubber trees was triggered after the discovery of Calacarus heveae, after what several works arose in order to understand the seasonal occurrence of mites on that culture, their biology, chemical control and influence of associated vegetation. Not surprisingly, most surveys were made in the State of São Paulo, which responds to up to 60% of the national latex yield. Whereas in some rubber tree crops there were made seasonal samplings, most of the surveys had only few isolated samplings.Published
How to Cite
Feres, R. J. F. (2006). Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 6(1). Retrieved from //