Echinoderms from Todos os Santos Bay and Aratu Bay (Bahia, Brazil)
echinoderms, taxonomy, distributionAbstract
We present the results of the studies on biodiversity of Echinodermata (except Holothuroidea) from the Projects "Marine Environmental Evaluation of the Todos os Santos Bay - MAREMBA" (July/August 1996) and "Geoecology of the Benthic Infralitoral Communities of Todos os Santos Bay (BTS), Bahia, Brazil" (1997). A total of 33 species from 15 families were registered and re-described. The distribution of Ophiactis brasiliensis Manso, 1988 and Amphiodia trychna H.L. Clark, 1918 is extended to northwestern Brazil. The class Ophiuroidea was dominant in samples in terms of abundance and frequency of occurrence, in particular Amphiodia atra Stimpson, 1852, Amphipholis subtilis (Ljungman, 1867), Ophiactislymani Ljungman, 1871and Ophiostigma isocanthum (Say, 1825). The asteroid Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) is considered vulnerable to human exploration and was scarce during the surveys. Other species found at BTS, such the asteroids Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825) and L. senegalensis (Lamarck, 1816) and the echinoid Eucidaristribuloides (Lamarck, 1816)are included in the national list of threatened invertebrate species.Published
How to Cite
Manso, C. L. de C., Alves, O. F. de S., & Martins, L. R. (2008). Echinoderms from Todos os Santos Bay and Aratu Bay (Bahia, Brazil). Biota Neotropica, 8(3). Retrieved from //