Fish diversity and occurrence in the influence area of the Mogi Guaçu reservoir and oxbow lakes, high Paraná river basin, São Paulo, Brazil
ichthyofauna, reservoir, floodplain, similarityAbstract
The high Paraná river basin includes the largest rivers from São Paulo State and a great ichthyofauna diversity with 236 species. The aim of this study was to describe the fish fauna composition from Mogi Guaçu hydroelectric dam and oxbow lakes downstream reservoir, according to species abundance temporal variations. A total of 2.341 individuals (85,8 kg biomass) belonging to 41 species were collected during August 2005 to July 2006. From this, 31 species were found in the reservoir and 24 in the oxbow lakes showing the Curimatidae (Cyphocharax modestus and Steindachnerina insculpta) and Characidae (Hyphessobrycon eques and H. bifasciatus) dominance and many rare species. The abundance and biomass cumulative curves showed the numerical dominance in reservoir and biomass in oxbow lakes, reflecting an environment more and less disturbed, respectively. Similar values of Shannon's diversity and evenness were found to reservoir and oxbow lakes. In general, the highest values were obtained to the wet season and the smaller to the dry, but this variation were not sufficient to detect significant differences between areas, neither seasons. The species identities are not considered in these indexes computation, being insensitive to ichthyofauna composition differences between the reservoir and the oxbow lakes. The interpretation of these results should be taken carefully because despite the Shannon's indexes showed no differences in fish fauna composition between areas, the similarity analyses using the Morisita-Horn index showed low similarity among them. Moreover, the ichthyofauna found in the studied area was composed by typical species from high Paraná river basin which indicates a good condition with native species only, despite the impacts commonly caused by hydroelectric dams. We suggest that the dam regulation and the sand extraction from the river bed are affecting the flood pulses and consequently the oxbow lake's ichthyofauna.Published
How to Cite
Gonçalves, C. da S., & Braga, F. M. de S. (2008). Fish diversity and occurrence in the influence area of the Mogi Guaçu reservoir and oxbow lakes, high Paraná river basin, São Paulo, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 8(2). Retrieved from //