Pequenos mamíferos não-voadores (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia) em campos litorâneos do extremo sul do Brasil


  • Fernando Marques Quintela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Instituto de Biociências, Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal
  • Bruno Igure Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, Campus Carreiros, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados Terrestres
  • Gabriel Eberts Trindade Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, Campus Carreiros, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados Terrestres
  • Maurício Beux dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade Animal
  • Alexandro Marques Tozetti Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS


coastal environments, marsupials, rodents, Calomys laucha, Oligoryzomys flavescens, assemblage


Non-volant small mammals are key elements in natural environments due its importance as food resource. This study aimed to investigate the species composition and habitat occupancy by non-volant small mammals (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia) in a coastal grassland area in southern Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain. Between April 2009 and March 2010 pitffal traps were used to capture small mammals in coastal grasslands associated to sand dunes and arbustive Restinga. We sampled 180 individuals including two marsupials (Cryptonanus guahybae and Didelphis albiventris) and seven rodent species (Calomys laucha, Cavia aperea, Ctenomys flamarioni, Deltamys kempi, Oligoryzomys flavescens, Oxymycterus nasutus and Scapteromys tumidus). Cryptonanus guahybae, D. albiventris and C. flamarioni were captured only in dunes while C. aperea and O. nasutus were recorded only in arbustive Restinga habitats. Calomys laucha, D. kempi, O. flavescens and O. nasutus were captured in both habitats. Oligoryzomys flavescens and C. laucha were the most representative species in both habitats, comprising respectively 40.7 and 38.9% of captures in dunes and 56.3 and 34.9% of captures in Restinga habitats. The species richness recorded in the sampled coastal grasslands area was lower than those previously recorded in subtropical forest coastal systems.




How to Cite

Quintela, F. M., Gonçalves, B. I., Trindade, G. E., Santos, M. B. dos, & Tozetti, A. M. (2013). Pequenos mamíferos não-voadores (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia) em campos litorâneos do extremo sul do Brasil. Biota Neotropica, 13(4). Retrieved from //




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