Ichthyofauna diversity of the upper rio Paraná: present composition and future perspectives
fishes, freshwater, southeasten Brazil, inventory, transpositionAbstract
A synthesis concerning fishes from Upper Paraná River basin is presented, based on data from fish-collections, literature, and new field samples. Three hundred and ten species, pertaining to 11 orders and 38 families, are referred to the drainage, elevating anterior estimates. Concerning total species, 236 (76.1%) are autochthonous, 67 (21.6%) are allochthonous, and seven (2.3%) are exotic. Principal causes of occurrence of non-native species are: a) dispersal from the Lower Paraná, after the construction of Itaipu dam, and b) escapes from aquaculture farms. Most species (65%) are small-sized, having less than 21 cm of length, and the great majority occurs only in headwaters and small streams. One of the best known and most studied in Brazil, Upper Paraná ichthyofauna richness is far from reaching actual numbers, considering the exponential elevation of species presented herein. Indeed, in the last years various new species have been described and around 50 other species, already recognized as new, are now under description. The improvement on the knowledge about Upper Paraná ichthyofauna is proportional to the number of researchers involved with studies in the area and, unequivocally, reflects recent initiatives stimulating and incrementing taxonomic research, and also improving access to fish collections and to poor or never-sampled areas. However, if we are going to maintain the number of species descriptions per year of last decade, the 50 new species already recognized, will be described only in the next ten years, a period too long. In consequence it is very important that scientific community and grant agencies find and offer initiatives in order to elevate the number of new taxa descriptions per year.Published
How to Cite
Langeani, F., Castro, R. M. C. e, Oyakawa, O. T., Shibatta, O. A., Pavanelli, C. S., & Casatti, L. (2007). Ichthyofauna diversity of the upper rio Paraná: present composition and future perspectives. Biota Neotropica, 7(3). Retrieved from //www.biotaneotropica.org.br/BN/article/view/350