Diversity of Biting Midges Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Pacoti Municipality, Baturité Highland, Ceará State, Northeast of Brazil
Abstract Culicoides is a small dipteran genus of Ceratopogonidae Family with worldwide distribution. Due to their hematophagous habits, species within this genus are a biting nuisance to humans and domestic animals. They also transmit protozoa, filarial worms, and several arboviruses. The Northeastern region of Brazil is characterized by a semi-arid climate and few bodies of water, which does not favor breeding sites for ceratopogonids. In addition to the climatic factor, studies on Biting Midges Culicoides are scarce in this geographic region. The municipality of Pacoti, located in Serra de Baturité, in Ceará, is an important area for agricultural production and ecotourism; also, Pacoti is located in an environmental protection area. Due to the medical and veterinary importance of these biting midges, a survey was conducted in Pacoti. For capture, CDC-type light traps were used near forested areas, where collections were carried out during two periods: March 2015, and August 2022. Of the 17 species found, 12 are new records for the municipality of Pacoti, nine are new records for the state of Ceará, and four are recorded for the first time for the Northeast region. Of the registered incriminated vectors, we found C. paraensis, C. insignis, and C. pusillus. The knowledge of biodiversity and geographic distribution update of Culicoides may contribute to prevention and control measures for vector-borne diseases in Ceará.Published
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Farias, E. de S., Souza, C. R. L. de, Costa, R. C. M., Carvalho-Fernandes, S. P., Santana, E. W. de P., Oliveira, L. da C. de, Ríos-Velásquez, C. M., & Pessoa, F. A. C. (2024). Diversity of Biting Midges Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Pacoti Municipality, Baturité Highland, Ceará State, Northeast of Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 24(4). Retrieved from //www.biotaneotropica.org.br/BN/article/view/2078