Bird distribution and conservation on Cantão region, State of Tocatins: Amazon/Cerrado ecotone


  • Renato Torres Pinheiro Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Túlio Dornas Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências do Ambiente


bird conservation, Tocantins, Araguaia river valley


The Cantão region is a complex transition between Amazonia and Cerrado. Human interference is widespread even though the region is covered by two protected areas: the Cantão State Park and the Bananal Island/Cantão Environmental Protection Area. Bird inventories identified 418 species in the region, 382 on the present study. Of those, 27 are Amazonian and 9 Cerrado endemics. Four bird species are listed in the IUCN's red list as vulnerable: Penelope ochrogaster, Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, Cercomacra ferdinandi and Synallaxis simoni. This study also added eight species to the Cerrado biome list. The Cantão region is important for ten nearctic migrant species, including Pluvialis dominica, Actites macularia, Falco peregrinus and Progne subis. Habitat loss and deterioration caused by unsustainable tourism within the State Park, as well as cattle ranching and agriculture expansion within the Environmental Protected Area may have a strong impact on the populations of several bird species. We suggest that management actions should be focused on improving management and increasing coverage of protected areas to encompass marshlands and the Ipucas (natural forest patches) that are still well preserved in the region.




How to Cite

Pinheiro, R. T., & Dornas, T. (2009). Bird distribution and conservation on Cantão region, State of Tocatins: Amazon/Cerrado ecotone. Biota Neotropica, 9(1). Retrieved from //




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