Herpetofauna of the Atlantic Forest remnants of Tapiraí and Piedade region, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil


frogs, reptiles, diversity, Atlantic Forest, conservation, Parque Estadual do Jurupará


We present the species list of amphibians and reptiles registered in continuous and fragmented Atlantic Forest remnants at Tapiraí and Piedade municipalities, Atlantic Plateau of São Paulo, Brazil. We sampled 21 localities, 15 located within unprotetcted forest fragments and six located at Parque Estadual do Jurupará, the single legal protected area in this region and surroundings. We recorded 47 anurans, one gymnophiona, seven lizards, one amphisbenian, 46 snakes, and one turtle. The specimes were captured by pitfall traps with drift fences, visual and auditive surveys, incidental encounters, local collectors, and, for snakes, by recording scientific collection records. Sampling methods were effective in documenting local herpetofauna, showing the adequacy of the use of complementary methods. Forest remnants at Tapiraí and Piedade have typical species of Atlantic Forest areas, and show higher species richness in comparison with other lists in the Atlantic Plateau. The presence of species known from few localities, or present in threatened species lists, shows that the Atlantic Forest remnants in this region need conservation attention. Although still harboring high herpetofaunal diversity, the remnants are threatened by the effects of forest fragmentation.




How to Cite

Herpetofauna of the Atlantic Forest remnants of Tapiraí and Piedade region, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. (2009). Biota Neotropica, 9(1). Retrieved from //www.biotaneotropica.org.br/BN/article/view/465


