Effectiveness of abundance and biomass curves in detecting environmental alterations in semi-arid region reservoirs
Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Environmental Impact, Biomonitoring, Exotic SpeciesAbstract
Abstract For mitigation of environmental problems generated by bad water resource management, the first step is to develop methods for effective diagnosis. The potential bioindicator, mainly in the benthic community, in the evaluation of water quality is the structure of the community, associated with magnitude of environmental impact. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of abundance biomass curves (ABC) as tools to estimate ecological quality in reservoirs in the Brazilian semi-arid region. Two reservoirs, Epitácio Pessoa and Argemiro de Figueiredo were selected. These reservoirs are located in the watershed of the Paraíba River, in Northeast Brazil. Sampling was done at 40 sites in the littoral region of each reservoir, during the periods of higher and lower water volume in the reservoirs. ABC for semi-arid region reservoirs showed disparate results for biological and environmental indicators, because they had a better relationship with momentary variables (physical and chemical parameters). This may be related to the high occurrence of exotic species, principally Corbicula largillierti, which has a high biomass, in association with a severe drought period. ABC must thus be used with parsimony and combined with other indicators, for an accurate and coherent characterization.Published
How to Cite
Medeiros, C. R., Azevêdo, E. de L., Barbosa, J. E. de L., & Molozzi, J. (2018). Effectiveness of abundance and biomass curves in detecting environmental alterations in semi-arid region reservoirs. Biota Neotropica, 18(2). Retrieved from //www.biotaneotropica.org.br/BN/article/view/1497